Name that Section - Frequently Used Education Code and Title 5 Sections for Community College Districts

neutral criterion that has the potential to attract a diverse, qualified applicant pool, districts should develop programs designed to encourage community college students to become community college professors or administrators.

n. “Old” Plan Component 17: Progress in Achieving Ratio of Full-Time to Part- Time Faculty Hiring While Ensuring EEO

i. Legal Requirements Here again, we use the Model Plan number for clarity. The law requires districts to progress in achieving the ratio of full-time to part-time faculty hiring, while still ensuring equal employment opportunity. As indicated above, districts are also required to address this in their EEO Plans.

ii. Implementation 241 We recommend that districts address this in Component 10 as more fully outlined above.


Renewal and Amendment Procedures Section 53003 subdivision (b) requires districts to review their plans at least every three years and, if necessary, revise and submit them to the Chancellor’s Office. As noted in the Model Plan , this triennial process should not be confused with districts’ annual responsibility to conduct employment surveys. C. A PPLYING THE N EW EEO F UND A LLOCATION M ODEL In December of 2015, the State Chancellor’s Office issued an advisory to districts regarding standards it would apply in allocating EEO funds going forward. 242 Specifically, the Chancellor announced a “new fund allocation model” under which districts must show they are implementing multiple methods to achieve employment diversity in nine “best-practice areas for ‘success in promoting’ EEO.” 243 The nine identified areas are categorized under the stages of “pre-hiring,” “hiring,” and “post-hiring” as follows:

Pre-Hiring 1.

District’s EEO Advisory Committee and EEO Plan Board policies & adopted resolutions Incentives for hard-to-hire areas/disciplines

2. 3. 4.

Focused outreach and publications

Hiring 5.

Procedures for addressing diversity throughout hiring steps and levels


Consistent and ongoing training for hiring committees

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