Name that Section - Frequently Used Education Code and Title 5 Sections for Community College Districts

that hiring procedures will incorporate the following elements to ensure that all lawful measures to further equal employment opportunity are being pursued:

 Practices and procedures to ensure that the application process is accessible to all;  Procedures for auditing and updating job descriptions and job qualifications, including procedures for identifying and eliminating dated or otherwise non- job related criteria that act as barriers to traditionally excluded groups;  Procedures for examining curriculum to maximize a global perspective in all disciplines;  Procedures for creating or updating job qualifications for positions designed to reflect a more global perspective;  Recruitment strategies designed to maximize the diversity of applicant pools and qualified applicant pools;  Protocols for screening and hiring committees to follow with respect to screening, interviewing and evaluating candidates;  Procedures, guidelines, and suggestions for how to evaluate candidates’ sensitivity to the diversity of community college students in a manner that is specific to the position;

 Training programs for all screening and hiring committee participants;

Retention strategies; and

 Procedures for monitoring and reporting progress.

m. “Old” Plan Component 16: Graduate Assumption Program

i. Legal Requirements Here again, we utilized the Model Plan numbering for clarity. The Education Code requires that the Chancellor’s Model Equal Employment Opportunity Plan encourage “districts to take steps reasonably calculated to inform their students about the opportunity to participate in the Graduate Assumption Program of Loans for Education (GAPLE)” authorized by the Education Code. 239 The Guidelines note, unfortunately, that the GAPLE program is not currently funded, and has not been funded in recent years. Nevertheless, the Model Plan recommends that districts explore other ways to encourage students to complete their graduate studies so that they can compete for academic positions in the community colleges. ii. Implementation We recommend the suggested language included in the Model Plan . 240 As noted above, one indicator that can capture the “sensitivity to the diversity of community college students” is that the applicant was a community college student. Because this factor offers a race/ethnicity

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