Finding the Facts - Disciplinary and Harassment Investigation
CONFLICTS OF INTEREST AND ETHICS QTY COST TOTAL Conflicts of Interest, Ethics and Open Government $75 DISABILITY AND OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY Managing Employee Injuries, Disability and Occupational Safety $75 EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS Reductions in Staffing $75 QTY COST TOTAL Leave Rights for California K-12 School Employees $75 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT $75 PRIVACY Privacy Issues in the K-12 Workplace $75 RETIREMENT $75 LEAVES
STUDENT ISSUES A Practical Approach to Serving the Special Needs Student $75 Responding to Family Crisis, Disputes and Transitions: A Guide for K-12 School Districts $75 SUPERVISION AND MANAGEMENT Subtotal:
Best Practices in Personnel Management for K-12 Schools $75 VIOLENCE IN THE WORKPLACE Tables of Contents, please visit: CA Sales Tax: (for your city) Total Enclosed:
Legal Aspects of Promoting Safety on School Campuses $75 To order these workbooks online and to view the
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Personnel Issues: Hiring, Reference Checks and Personnel Records and Files
Retirement Issues for California’s Community College and K-12 School Districts
EVALUATION AND DISCIPLINE Certificated and Classified Evaluation and Discipline $75 FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) FLSA Fundamentals for School Districts and Community Colleges $55 FLSA Public Sector Compliance Guide $95 $75 $75
LABOR RELATIONS Labor Relations: Collective Bargaining in School Districts $75 Labor Relations Fundamentals for K-12 School Districts $75
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HARASSMENT/DISCRIMINATION/RETALIATION Preventing Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation in the K-12 School Environment INVESTIGATIONS Finding the Facts: Disciplinary and Harassment Investigations
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