An Administrator's Guide to California Private School Law

Chapter 21 – Child Care Centers/Preschools

c. Verification Of Administrator/Director Qualifications When applicable, the preschool must verify that its proposed administrator or director meets the required qualifications of a child care center administrator or director. 2648 This is typically accomplished by providing transcripts from an accredited school, reference letters confirming the required experience, or a copy of a Child Development Site Supervisor Permit or Child Development Program Director Permit. 2649 A preschool does not need to submit these qualifications if the proposed administrator or director is also the applicant as this information is already submitted in the Applicant Information (LIC 215) form. d. Job Descriptions The preschool must provide CCLD job descriptions for each proposed staff position listed in the Personnel Report (LIC 500). The job description must address the following areas: duties and responsibilities, minimum qualifications and required special skills for the position, and the lines of supervision. 2650 e. Personnel Policies The preschool must submit statements of general personnel policies, including policies related to staff coverage and qualifications, work schedules, conditions of employment, pre-employment medical reports, requirements of knowledge of corporal punishment prohibition requirements, and the preschool’s hiring practices. The hiring practices must inform employees that the conditions of employment include a fingerprint clearance, statement of prior criminal convictions, child abuse index check, physical examination or health questionnaire, and a tuberculosis clearance. 2651 The policies must also separately indicate that employees will be informed of their responsibilities to report child abuse to the CCLD as well as to the child protective agency. 2652 LCW Practice Advisor Preschools should include their relevant personnel policies in their employee handbooks. Preschools should be able to provide CCLD with a copy of their f. In-Service Training Plan For Staff The preschool must establish a plan for in-service training for staff and submit that plan to CCLD along with the application. The plan must set forth which staff will receive training (new or ongoing staff), who will do the training, and the topics to be covered in the training. 2653 g. Parent Handbook The preschool must prepare and submit a copy of its parent handbook to CCLD along with the application. 2654 The parent handbook should inform parents how the preschool will operate and should present a description of the basic and optional services and activities the preschool will provide. If the preschool will be part of an existing school, the preschool parent handbook can mirror many of the terms and provisions set forth in the parent handbook(s) for kindergarten and higher programs. proposed employee handbook to fulfill the requirement to provide personnel policies.

An Administrator’s Guide to California Private School Law ©2019 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 626

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