An Administrator's Guide to California Private School Law

Chapter 21 – Child Care Centers/Preschools

2. S UPPORTIVE D OCUMENTS Applicants must send the following supportive documents to the CCLD along with the licensing forms as part of the application. 2639 a. Plan Of Operation Each preschool must maintain a definitive Plan of Operation which describes and sets forth how the preschool will operate and meet the licensing requirements. The preschool must submit a copy of that plan to the CCLD along with the license application. 2640 The preschool must operate in accordance with the terms specified in its Plan of Operation. 2641 The Plan of Operation must contain the following information:  Statement of purposes, and program methods and goals;  Statement of admission policies and procedures;  A copy of the admission agreement;  Administrative organization, if applicable;  Staffing plan, qualifications, and duties, if applicable;  Plan of in-service education of staff;  Sketch of the buildings and grounds to be used, including floor plans and dimensions;  Sample menus for one week, including times meals and snacks are to be served;  Preschool-provided transportation arrangements;  Rate-setting policy, including a policy on refunds; and  Consultant and community recourses to be used by the preschool as a part of its program. 2642 Preschools must maintain and keep their Plan of Operation current throughout the operational life of the preschool. b. Partnership Agreement, Articles Of Incorporation Or Articles Of Organization 2643 The applying preschool must provide CCLD a copy of its applicable governance documents, whether those documents are a partnership agreement, articles of incorporation, or articles of organization. Information contained in a partnership agreement, articles of incorporation, or articles of organization lets the CCLD know who is ultimately responsible for which functions in the facility and whom to contact regarding the operation of the facility. 2644 If the preschool is a corporation, it must provide the name and address of each person owning more than 10% of the corporation 2645 and the name, title, and principal business address for each officer, executive director and member of the governing board. 2646 The preschool must also provide a copy of the corporation’s bylaws and the board resolution authorizing the preschool to apply for a child care center license. 2647

An Administrator’s Guide to California Private School Law ©2019 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 625

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