Terminating the Employment Relationship

3. D ISMISSAL OF A CTION ( S ) An agreement that resolves a pending legal or administrative matter should ensure that the employee/ex-employee dismisses the action(s) and any unknown pending action(s), with prejudice. “With prejudice” means the employee cannot later re -initiate the action. The following is a sample dismissal of action clause:

Jones represents that, with the exception of the Civil Action, as to which Jones will execute a Request for Dismissal with prejudice, he has not filed and/or does not have pending any complaints, administrative agency complaints, claims, lawsuits, requests for information, grievances, or actions against the City and/or the Releasees with any state, federal, or local agency or court, or with any administrative body, board, commission, the City, any of the Releasees, or entity whatsoever and that she will not file, initiate, or pursue any of the same at any time following the execution of this Agreement regarding any and all facts and circumstances occurring prior to execution of this Agreement. Jones represents to the City that he will not initiate any litigation or administrative proceeding with regard to his employment or end of employment with the City, or any claim released hereunder, and that all pending claims or other actions have been resolved hereunder in their totality, except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. Jones further agrees not to encourage, assist, or participate in any lawsuit or complaint of any other person against the City, or any current or former employee of the City except as compelled by legal process or required by law.

4. A TTORNEYS ’ F EES There are two types of attorneys’ fees provisions, and agreements often contain both. The first type of attorneys’ fees provision should always be included in an agreement. It provides that the parties ’ obligations with respect to attorneys’ fees incurred up to the time the agreement is executed. The following is a sample of the first type of attorneys’ fees provision :

Each party shall bear its/his own costs, expenses and attorneys’ fees (if any) incurred in connection with the proceedings resulting in this AGREEMENT, or in connection with any other claims made or investigated by either party against the other in any forum (civil, criminal, administrative or quasi administrative), and each of the parties hereto expressly waives any claim for recovery of any such costs, expenses or attorneys’ fees from the other party.

Terminating the Employment Relationship ©2022 (s) Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 109

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