549 Butler Medical Transport, LLC and Michael Rice and William Lewis Norvell , N.L.R.B. Case Nos. 5-CA-97810, 5-CA-94981, and 5-CA-97854 (July 27, 2017). 550 Butler Medical Transport, LLC and Michael Rice and William Lewis Norvell , N.L.R.B. Case Nos. 5-CA-97810, 5-CA-94981, and 5-CA-97854 (July 27, 2017). 551 Nat. Labor Relations Bd., Office of the General Counsel, Memorandum GC 11-11, Mandatory Submissions to Advice, Section A.9 (Apr. 12, 2011) < http://www.nlrb.gov/reports-guidance/general-counsel-memos >. 552 Nat. Labor Relations Bd., Office of the General Counsel Memorandum OM 12-59, Report of the Acting General Counsel concerning recent social media cases (May 30, 2012) . See also NLRB, Office of the General Counsel Memorandum GC 15-04, Report of the General Counsel concerning Employer Rules (March 18, 2015) 553 Nat. Labor Relations Bd., Office of the General Counsel Memorandum GC 15-04, Report of the General Counsel concerning Employer Rules (March 18, 2015), < https://www.aaup.org/sites/default/files/NLRB%20Handbook%20Guidance.pdf.> 554 Price Edwards & Company (May 7, 2013) 2013 WL 4648481. 555 Price Edwards & Company (May 7, 2013) 2013 WL 4648481. 556 California Inst. of Tech. Jet Propulsion Lab. & Dennis Byrnes & Scott Maxwell & Larry Daddario & Robert Nelson & William Bruce Banerdt (2014) 360 NLRB 504. 557 MUSE School v. Trudy Perry , N.L.R.B. Case No. 31-CA-108671 (Sept. 8, 2014). 558 G rutzmacher v. Howard County (4th Cir. 2017) 851 F.3d 332. 559 The employee was a battalion chief at the time of the incident in question. It appears that he may have been subsequently demoted to the position of paramedic before he was terminated from employment with the County. 560 Grutzmacher v. Howard County (4th Cir. 2017) 851 F.3d 332, 337. 561 Grutzmacher v. Howard County (4th Cir. 2017) 851 F.3d 332, 337. 562 Grutzmacher v. Howard County (4th Cir. 2017) 851 F.3d 332, 337-338. 563 Grutzmacher v. Howard County (4th Cir. 2017) 851 F.3d 332, 349. 564 Grutzmacher v. Howard County (4th Cir. 2017) 851 F.3d 332, 349. 565 See Grutzmacher v. Howard County (4th Cir. 2017) 851 F.3d 332, 345-348. 566 Pickering v. Board of Ed..of Township High School Dist. 205, Will County, Ill. (1968) 391 U.S. 563, 568 [88 S.Ct. 1731]. 567 Cohen v. California (1971) 403 U.S. 15 [91 S.Ct. 1780], rehg. den. by (1971) 404 U.S. 876 [92 S.Ct. 26]. 568 Demers v. Austin (9th Cir. 2014) 746 F.3d 402, 406. 569 Demers v. Austin (9th Cir. 2014) 746 F.3d 402, 412. 570 Pickering v. Board of Educ. of Township High School Dist. 205, Will County, Ill. (1968) 391 U.S. 563 [88 S.Ct. 1731].
571 Connick v. Myers (1983) 461 U.S. 138 [103 S.Ct. 1684]. 572 Garcetti v. Ceballos (2006) 547 U.S. 410 [126 S.Ct. 1951].
573 Pickering v. Board of Educ. of Township High School Dist.205, Will County, Ill. (1968) 391 U.S. 563, 568 [88 S.Ct. 1731]; Connick v. Myers (1983) 461 U.S. 138, 149 [103 S.Ct. 1684]; and Garcetti v. Ceballos (2006) 547 U.S. 410, 421-422 [126 S.Ct. 1951].
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