Privacy Issues in the Workplace
1. W HAT I S A M EDICAL E XAMINATION ? An employer is prohibited under the ADA and FEHA from conducting a medical examination of a job applicant prior to a conditional offer of employment. According to the EEOC, a medical examination is a procedure or test that seeks information about an individual’s physical or mental impairment or health. 140
The EEOC has indicated that the following factors are helpful in determining whether a procedure or test is a medical examination:
Is it administered by a health care professional?
Are the results interpreted by a health care professional or someone trained by a health care professional?
Is it designed to reveal an impairment of physical or mental health?
Is it invasive (for example, does it require the drawing of blood, urine or breath)? Does it measure an applicant’s performance of a task (permissible), or does it measure the applicant’s physiological responses to performing the task (not permissible)? Is it normally given in a medical setting (for example, a health care professional’s office)?
Is medical equipment used? 141
2. W HAT I S A C ONDITIONAL O FFER OF E MPLOYMENT ? Under the FEHA and ADA, an employer’s ability to ask questions about an applicant’s medical condition and/or to require an applicant to undergo a medical examination depends primarily upon whether a conditional offer of employment has been made.
According to the EEOC, a conditional offer of employment is a job offer:
that is made after the employer has evaluated all relevant non-medical information which could reasonably have been obtained and analyzed prior to making the offer; and conditioned upon acceptable medical information that is directly related to job performance and business necessity. 142
If an employer is still waiting for the results of, for example, a criminal background check, an offer may not be considered a real conditional offer of employment. In the very limited case where an employer can show that it could not reasonably obtain and evaluate the non-medical information before a conditional offer was made, the EEOC would still consider it a real offer. 143 For example, it might be too costly for a law enforcement agency to administer two separate
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