Privacy Issues in the Workplace
added). A government entity may only access electronic information "with the specific consent of the authorized possessor of the device." (Pen. Code, §§ 1546.1(c)(3).) (emphasis added).
We do not believe that section 1546.1 would be interpreted to allow a public employee who has been provided an electronic device owned by the government entity to exert the rights of an "authorized possessor" under this law and decline a search by the government entity that actually owns the electronic device. Nonetheless, this ambiguity in the law does highlight the importance for public agencies to clarify in their electronic use policies that an employee's use of an electronic device owned by the government agency is subject to search and the obligation to surrender the electronic device at any time by the public agency. The Penal Code does not state that a government entity is prohibited from searching for electronic information on its own network or email system. Rather, the statute provides that a search to "compel the production of or access to electronic communication information from a service provider" can only occur with a warrant or court order. Therefore, the statutory language does not appear to apply to searches of an internal network or email system maintained by the government entity itself. Interpreting the statute's restrictions otherwise would mean that a government entity that maintains its own network and email system needs a warrant or court order to search its own network and email system. We do not believe that is reasonable, nor what the Legislature intended through the passage of SB 178. Importantly, the statutory language does limit a government entity from searching an employee's personal electronic device and personal electronic information maintained by a service provider (e.g., personal email account such as Gmail or Yahoo). This is because when it comes to such electronic devices, the government entity is not the owner or the "authorized possessor" of the device. In the case of an employee's personally owned cell phone, the employee is the owner and/or "authorized possessor" of the cell phone and would either have to give permission to a government entity to search the device or the government entity would have to get a search warrant/court order to conduct such a search of the device. The same result would also most likely apply for searches of other electronic information provided by an outside service provider. To the extent that a government entity does not directly control an employee's electronic information that is being sought, the government entity would need to get permission from the employee to search it or otherwise get a warrant or court order to compel a third party service provider to disclose such information.
Here are a few best practices public employers can follow:
LCW Practice Advisor
Review and revise electronic communications policies to limit an employee's expectations of privacy in the use of government-owned electronic devices and the use of work email maintained by the governmental entity;
Reinforce that a public employee's authorization to use a government-owned electronic device is at the sole
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