Privacy Issues in the Workplace
3. F EDERAL AND C ALIFORNIA S TATUTES There is also a vast array of statutes resulting from legislation passed by Congress and the California legislature that prohibit specific types of privacy intrusions and provide bases for recovery by employees, and, in some cases, government prosecutors. For example, Labor Code section 432.7 prohibits an employer from seeking or using arrest records of job applicants. Many of these statutes are discussed in more detail in the sections to which they apply below. 4. C ALIFORNIA P UBLIC S AFETY O FFICER ’ S P ROCEDURAL B ILL OF R IGHTS A CT AND T HE F IREFIGHTERS P ROCEDURAL B ILL OF R IGHTS A CT The Public Safety Officers’ Procedural Bill of Rights Act (POBR), Government Code section 3300, et seq ., specifies elements of procedural rights that must be accorded to public safety officers when they are subject to investigation or discipline. Employees subject to this Act include city police officers, county deputy sheriffs, state police and highway patrol officers, D.A. investigators, parole and probation officers, school district security officers, etc. While this Act falls under the category of California Statutes, it bears specific mentioning here because it governs many of the areas of right of privacy of public safety officers in their personnel relationship with employers. The Act is discussed throughout this workbook. Modeled in large part on the POBR, the Firefighters Procedural Bill of Rights Act (FBOR) is codified at Government Code sections 3250 through 3262. The FBOR generally applies to any firefighter employed by a public agency, including a firefighter who is a paramedic or an emergency medical technician. However, the FBOR does not protect inmate firefighters or individuals who are already protected by the POBR, such as arson investigators. Moreover, unlike the POBR, which protects probationary peace officers, the FBOR does not cover firefighters who have not yet completed their probation. The FBOR creates privacy rights for firefighters that impact investigations and discipline.
An applicant or employee’s right to privacy is weighed against an employer’s interest in disclosure. 20 Employers should review their hiring (including promotional) and background check processes to make sure they do not violate applicants’ privacy rights. More specifically, employers should verify that inquiries are not made which cannot be justified by some legitimate reason. Hiring and background inquiries should be tailored to determine only if the applicant can perform the essential duties of the job and will otherwise be a quality employee.
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