Preventing Workplace Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation
manager and either ignored or tolerated by upper management can be even more destructive to the effective work environment, which may affect greater numbers of workers than just the bully and the victim in the unit.
F. W HAT S HOULD Y OUR A GENCY D O T O P REVENT O R A DDRESS W ORKPLACE / A BUSIVE C ONDUCT ? In order to curtail workplace bullying, the highest levels of management must make a commitment that it will not tolerate such conduct. That commitment is demonstrated by: Ensuring that mandatory harassment prevention training for supervisors also includes a component on “prevention of abusive conduct;” Creating a comprehensive anti-bullying policy, or alternatively, a Code of Conduct that defines professional behaviors and unacceptable behaviors and includes policies and procedures for response;
Communicating the anti-bullying policy throughout the organization;
Establishing as a job expectation/performance standard respectful, non-bullying behavior; Establishing an awareness campaign so that employees understand what bullying is and what it may look like;
Encouraging reporting;
Encouraging open door policies;
Addressing bullying behavior immediately after witnessing it or receiving a report of;
Taking bullying complaints seriously and investigating them promptly;
Reassigning the Perpetrator when necessary;
Disciplining employees who violate the agency’s anti-bullying policy or who otherwise engage in discourteous or destructive behavior toward coworkers; Following-up with a complainant or victim to determine if bullying behavior has abated; and Establishing an independent contact for employees to report the conduct (e.g., Human Resources contact). G. W HAT C AN M ANAGERS D O A BOUT B ULLYING / A BUSIVE C ONDUCT ? Managers should intervene if they observe abusive conduct or if they receive reports of such conduct. Managers can also avoid such conduct by building a collaborative and safe workplace, emphasizing positive and professional communication, and creating contexts where people can speak up and problem solve together. Steps to accomplish this include:
Preventing Workplace Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation ©2019 (s) Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 27
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