Name that Section - Frequently Used Education Code and Title 5 Sections for Community College Districts
A LL A BOUT THE A UTHORS With offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Fresno, San Diego and Sacramento, the law firm of Liebert Cassidy Whitmore represents Community College District management in all aspects of labor and employment law, labor relations, and education law as well as providing advice and representation in business and facility matters, both transactional and litigation. The Firm's representation of Community College Districts throughout California, encompasses all phases of counseling and representational services in negotiations, arbitrations, fact findings, and administrative proceedings before local, state and federal boards and commissions, including the Public Employment Relations Board, Fair Employment and Housing Commission, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Department of Labor and the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education (OCR). In addition, the Firm handles bidding questions, contract review and revision as well as other contracting issues. The Firm regularly handles a wide variety of labor and employment litigation and litigation regarding business and facilities issues, from the inception of complaints through trial and appeal, in state and federal courts. Liebert Cassidy Whitmore places a unique emphasis on preventive measures to ensure compliance with the law and to avoid costly litigation. For more than thirty years, the Firm has successfully developed and presented training workshops and speeches on all aspects of employment relations for numerous public agencies and state and federal public sector coalitions, including the Community College League of California (CCLC), Association of California Community College Administrators (ACCCA), Association of Chief Human Resources Officers for Community College Districts (ACHRO), California Community College and University Police Chiefs Association (CA CUPCA), Association of Chief Business Officials (ACBO), California Community College Chief Information Service Officers (CCCCISO), Community College Facility Coalition (CCFC), National Employment Law Institute (NELI), and the Public Agency Risk Management Authority (PARMA).
This workbook contains generalized legal information as it existed at the time the workbook was prepared. Changes in the law occur on an on going basis. For these reasons, the legal information cited in this workbook should not be acted upon in any particular situation without professional advice.
Copyright © 2018 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, or disseminated in any form or by any means without prior written permission from Liebert Cassidy Whitmore.
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