Name That Section - Frequently Used Education Code and Title 5 Sections for Community College Districts
5. L IMITED -T ERM E MPLOYEES (M ERIT S YSTEMS ) 76 In merit systems, a limited-term employee is employed for periods of time not to exceed six calendar months; or employment of a temporary employee to substitute for the authorized absence of a permanent employee. 77 If the limited-term employee is substituting for an absent employee, the employment may not exceed the authorized absence of that employee. To hire a limited-term employee, the District must submit a request that notes the hours per week, starting date, and length of the assignment. Appointments are made from eligibility lists and employment lists. If there is no one eligible and available to accept a limited-term position, the District may make a provisional appointment to the limited-term position. 78 Limited-term employees are at-will employees and are not entitled to benefits, unless the district decides otherwise. The time spent as a limited-term employee may not be counted towards earning permanent status. Regular classified employees may serve as limited term in limited-term assignments and retain their permanent or probationary status. With respect to a layoff, a regular classified employee may accept a limited term position in lieu of being laid off, if there are any such positions available. A regular employee serving in a limited-term position is entitled to the same benefits as a regular employee. Further, time spent performing the limited term assignment is counted towards acquiring permanent status. C. P ART -T IME E MPLOYEES Part-time employees may be beneficial to districts because they offer flexibility in terms of how many hours the district may employ them. Further, it obviously costs the district less to hire an employee part-time. But rules regarding the proper use of each category of part-time employee must be strictly followed. 1. P ART -T IME C LASSIFIED E MPLOYEES An employee is not exempt from classified service by virtue of being a part-time employee. Unless the employee is otherwise exempt, a part-time employee performing classified work is a classified employee . These employees may attain permanent status and are entitled to the same benefits as full-time classified employees. 79 Benefits must be prorated according to how many hours worked compared to a 40 hour per week full time employee. If a part-time employee works 30 minutes or more than their usual time for 20 consecutive days, their benefits must be prorated accordingly. 80 Section 88035, however, does not apply to health and welfare benefits. Thus, a district is not required to prorate health and welfare benefits to part-time employees, or to grant such benefits at all. 81
Name that Section: Frequently Used Education Code and Title 5 Sections for Community College Districts ©2019 (c) Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 32
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