Introduction to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Hours worked each workday and each workweek (e.g., payroll and time records); Total daily or weekly straight-time earnings or wages (e.g., personnel file, payroll records);
Total overtime excess compensation for the workweek (e.g., payroll records);
Total additions to or deductions from wages paid during a pay period along with the amounts, nature and dates of said additions or deductions (e.g., payroll and time records);
Total wages paid each pay period (e.g., payroll records); and
The date of payment and the pay period covered by payment (e.g., payroll records). 214
C. I NFORMATION R EQUIRED FOR 7( K ) F IRE P ROTECTION /L AW E NFORCEMENT E MPLOYEES The requirements are the same as set forth above except that the records for these employees are kept on a work period instead of workweek basis. Additionally, the records must show the work period (i.e., start and end of the work period) for each employee. 215
Employers must maintain records containing the following information in regard to exempt employees:
Name or identification (e.g., personnel file, payroll records);
Home address (e.g., personnel file);
Date of birth if under 19 (e.g., personnel file);
Sex and occupation (e.g., personnel file);
Time of day and day of week on which employee’s FLSA work week begins (e.g., personnel file, payroll records, time sheets);
Total wages paid each pay period (e.g., payroll records);
Date of payment and the pay period covered by payment (e.g., payroll records); and The basis on which wages are paid including fringe benefits and perquisites (e.g., personnel file, payroll records). 216
Introduction to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) ©2019 (s) Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 40
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