Finding the Facts - Disciplinary and Harassment Investigation

 What did [the Complainant] do in response to the conduct?

 Are you aware of the District’s policies on harassment and discrimination?

 What are the District’s policies on harassment and discrimination?

 Was anyone else present during the incident?

 Who was present during the incident?

 Is there anyone else that might have information regarding this complaint?



What information do you think they might have?


Do you have any documents or physical evidence relation to this complaint?


An investigator should allow the alleged harasser every opportunity to explain his/her alleged conduct. Without a fair opportunity to respond to each and every allegation, the investigator cannot prepare a balanced report based on the evidence.

LCW Practice Advisor

iii. Questions for the Witnesses:

 Do you recall an incident involving [the Complainant] and [the alleged harasser] on [date and time]?

What happened?

 Did [the Complainant] respond to the conduct?

 What did [the Complainant] do in response to the conduct?

 Did [the alleged harasser] do anything further after [the Complainant] made his/her statement?  Have you seen this type of behavior between [the Complainant] and [the alleged harasser] before this incident?

 Did you report [the alleged harasser’s] conduct to a supervisor?

 If so, when did you report the conduct and to whom did you make the report?

 If you did not report the conduct, why?

 Are you aware of the District’s policies on harassment and discrimination?

 What are the District’s policies on harassment and discrimination?

 Was anyone else present during the incident?

 What are the names of each person who was present during the incident?

 Have you told anyone about the incident? Who?

Disciplinary and Harassment Investigations ©2019 (e) Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 42

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