An Administrator's Guide to California Private School Law

Chapter 21 – Child Care Centers/Preschools

 The right to receive or reject medical care, or health-related services, except for minors for whom a guardian or other legal representative has been appointed. 2952

Preschools run by religious organizations may submit a request for a waiver of the right to practice religious beliefs of their choice. DSS may grant this waiver as parents have a choice to not send their child to a particular religious preschool. Additionally, preschools may not use any form of discipline or punishment which violates any of these personal rights, even if the preschool has the consent of a child’s parents. 2953 Parents must be provided with the Personal Rights form (LIC 613A) upon their child’s admission to the preschool. 2954 Parents must sign and date the acknowledgement of receipt statement and return it to the preschool. The preschool must retain that form in the child’s file. 2955 These rights also serve as a reminder to parents that any person may request an inspection of a child care facility by transmitting to DSS a notice of an alleged violation of personal rights or other requirements. 2956 I. C HILDREN ’ S R ECORDS Preschools must maintain separate, complete, and current records for each child at the facility. 2957 The records must be updated when the child’s information or medical needs change. 2958 All information and records must be kept confidential; except that a child’s parent or legal guardian or DSS may inspect these records. 2959 Each child’s record must contain the following information:  Name of child;  Birthdate;  Sex;  Date of Admission;  Names, address and telephone number of the child's authorized representative and of relatives or others who can assume responsibility for the child if the authorized representative cannot be reached when necessary;  A signed copy of the admission agreement;  Name, address, and telephone number of the child's physician and dentist and any other medical, dental, or mental health providers;  Medical assessment, including ambulatory status, and the following health information:  Dietary restrictions and allergies;  Instructions for action to be taken in case the child's authorized emergency representative, or the physician designated by the authorized representative, cannot be reached in an emergency; and

An Administrator’s Guide to California Private School Law ©2019 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 654

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