An Administrator's Guide to California Private School Law Compendium
Does the school engage in Lobbying? Has any school employee or Board member (in his her or capacity with the school) contacted a member of a legislative body to take a position on a piece of legislation? Has any school employee or Board member (in his or her capacity with the school) asked the public to contact their legislator to take a position on a piece of legislation? Has the school asked the public to vote a certain way on a ballot initiative? Does the School Engage in Electioneering? Have any school representatives spoken in favor of or opposition to a candidate? Has any school publication included any endorsement of a candidate? Have any candidates appeared at a school event in their capacity as a candidate? Have any voter registration drives been administered in a partisan manner? Have any school goods, services or facilities been accorded in favor of a particular candidate? Do any school websites link to other sited that are in support of or opposed to a certain candidate? Do any school websites themselves oppose or support a particular candidate? If the school has lobbied, have the expenses or volunteer time been properly reported and accounted for?
If the school has potentially engaged in electioneering, you should contact your attorney to discuss the matter further and ensure that similar mistakes are not made in the future.
An Administrator’s Guide to California Private School Law - Compendium ©2019 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 247
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