An Administrator's Guide to California Private School Law Compendium

uses commercial airlines, trains, buses, restaurants, hotels, and other services whose performance and service cannot be controlled. Consequently, I agree and acknowledge that the School is not responsible for the actions of these entities for matters including, but not limited to, injuries or damage caused by a third-party, strikes, lost luggage and the like. 10. State Department and CDC Information. I agree to inform the Student and ourselves about the potential dangers of the areas the Student will be traveling to, recommended vaccinations that the Student should have prior to travel, and precautions that should be taken by reviewing the State Department Consular Travel Information at [specific information regarding travel to [DESTINATION] is located at:] and the Centers for Disease Control Travelers’ Information at for relevant health and immunization information [specific information regarding diseases in [DESTINATION] and recommended immunizations is located at:] A copy of the [DESTINATION]-specific information from the State Department Consular Travel Information, and Center for Disease Control, is attached to this Agreement. 11. Indemnification/Hold Harmless. Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of Student may be held liable and responsible for any injury or death to another person or injury to property of another caused by the Student. I hereby agree to indemnify (meaning to defend, and to satisfy by payment or reimbursement, including costs and attorneys’ fees) and hold harmless the Released Parties with respect to any claims of injury, death or other loss or damage to person or property suffered by any person arising in whole or in part from the conduct of the Student while enrolled or participating in the Field Trip. 12. Pre-Existing Medical Condition of Student. I release School and its specified leaders from all claims and liability for any illness, injury, loss of property, or death resulting during or after the program from a pre-existing medical (physical, emotional, or psychological) condition of the Student. I have read and completed fully the confidential medical form provided by School, which is attached as Attachment 1: Emergency and Medical Information Form . I accept full responsibility for omissions or errors on the Emergency and Medical Information Form . To the best of my/our knowledge, the Student has no medical (physical, emotional or psychological) conditions that would interfere with her/his ability to participate in the Field Trip or would otherwise endanger his/her health while participating in this Field Trip. 13. Medical Care. Any adult accompanying Student on the Field Trip may consent to the administration of medical or dental care to the Student as deemed appropriate. Payment for the trip includes Comprehensive Emergency Medical Insurance. To the extent that emergency medical or dental services are required that are not covered by such insurance, I agree to assume full responsibility for the costs of such medical or dental care for the Student. 14. Photos or Likeness of Students are School Property. I authorize the School to photograph and/or to make video or audio recordings of the Student, or to use Student’s name, voice, signature, photograph or likeness, in any and all School publications or promotions in any media whatsoever, for any period of time that may extend beyond Student’s enrollment at the School, and without compensation from the School.

An Administrator’s Guide to California Private School Law - Compendium ©2019 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 229

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